
Filter data cube pixels by a polygon


Create a proxy data cube, which filters pixels by a spatial (multi)polygon For all pixels whose center is within the polygon, the original


filter_geom(cube, geom, srs = NULL)


Argument Description
cube source data cube
geom either a WKT string, or an sfc or sfg object (sf package)
srs string identifier of the polygon’s coordinate reference system understandable for GDAL


The resulting data cube will not be cropped but pixels outside of the polygon will be set to NAN.

If geom is provided as an sfc object with length > 1, geometries will be combined with sf::st_combine() before.

The geometry is automatically transformed to the data cube’s spatial reference system if needed.


a proxy data cube object


This function returns a proxy object, i.e., it will not start any computations besides deriving the shape of the result.


# create image collection from example Landsat data only 
# if not already done in other examples
if (!file.exists(file.path(tempdir(), "L8.db"))) {
  L8_files <- list.files(system.file("L8NY18", package = "gdalcubes"),
                         ".TIF", recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE)
  create_image_collection(L8_files, "L8_L1TP", file.path(tempdir(), "L8.db"), quiet = TRUE) 

L8.col = image_collection(file.path(tempdir(), "L8.db"))
v = cube_view(extent=list(left=388941.2, right=766552.4, 
              bottom=4345299, top=4744931, t0="2018-01", t1="2018-06"),
              srs="EPSG:32618", nx = 497, ny=526, dt="P1M")
L8.cube = raster_cube(L8.col, v) 
L8.cube = select_bands(L8.cube, c("B04", "B05")) 
L8.ndvi = apply_pixel(L8.cube, "(B05-B04)/(B05+B04)", "NDVI")
WKT = gsub(pattern='\\n',replacement="",x = 
  "Polygon ((-74.3541 40.9254, 
             -73.9813 41.2467, 
             -73.9997 41.4400, 
             -74.5362 41.1795, 
             -74.6286 40.9137, 
             -74.3541 40.9254))")
L8.ndvi.filtered = filter_geom(L8.ndvi, WKT, "EPSG:4326")
A data cube proxy object

         low       high count       pixel_size chunk_size
t 2018-01-01 2018-06-30     6              P1M          1
y    4345299    4744931   526 759.756653992395        384
x   388941.2   766552.4   497 759.781086519115        384

  name offset scale nodata unit
1 NDVI      0     1    NaN     