Get started
Step 1: Install the gdalcubes R package from CRAN
Step 2: Download example data (740 MB)
Step 3: Create an image collection
files = list.files("L8_Amazon", recursive = TRUE,
full.names = TRUE, pattern = ".tif")
L8.col = create_image_collection(files, format = "L8_SR")
Image collection object, referencing 180 images with 10 bands
name left top bottom
1 LC08_L1TP_226063_20140719_20170421_01_T1 -54.15776 -3.289862 -5.392073
2 LC08_L1TP_226063_20140820_20170420_01_T1 -54.16858 -3.289828 -5.392054
3 LC08_L1GT_226063_20160114_20170405_01_T2 -54.16317 -3.289845 -5.392064
4 LC08_L1TP_226063_20160724_20170322_01_T1 -54.16317 -3.289845 -5.392064
5 LC08_L1TP_226063_20170609_20170616_01_T1 -54.17399 -3.289810 -5.392044
6 LC08_L1TP_226063_20170711_20170726_01_T1 -54.15506 -3.289870 -5.392083
right datetime srs
1 -52.10338 2014-07-19T00:00:00 EPSG:32622
2 -52.11418 2014-08-20T00:00:00 EPSG:32622
3 -52.10878 2016-01-14T00:00:00 EPSG:32622
4 -52.10878 2016-07-24T00:00:00 EPSG:32622
5 -52.11958 2017-06-09T00:00:00 EPSG:32622
6 -52.09798 2017-07-11T00:00:00 EPSG:32622
[ omitted 174 images ]
name offset scale unit nodata image_count
1 AEROSOL 0 1 180
2 B01 0 1 -9999.000000 180
3 B02 0 1 -9999.000000 180
4 B03 0 1 -9999.000000 180
5 B04 0 1 -9999.000000 180
6 B05 0 1 -9999.000000 180
7 B06 0 1 -9999.000000 180
8 B07 0 1 -9999.000000 180
9 PIXEL_QA 0 1 180
10 RADSAT_QA 0 1 180
Step 4: Create a data cube
v= cube_view(extent=L8.col, dt="P1Y", dx=1000, dy=1000,
srs="EPSG:3857", aggregation = "median")
x = raster_cube(L8.col, v)
A data cube proxy object
low high count pixel_size chunk_size
t 2013-01-01 2019-12-31 7 P1Y 1
y -764014.387686915 -205014.387686915 559 1000 512
x -6582280.06164712 -5799280.06164712 783 1000 512
name offset scale nodata unit
2 B01 0 1 NaN
3 B02 0 1 NaN
4 B03 0 1 NaN
5 B04 0 1 NaN
6 B05 0 1 NaN
7 B06 0 1 NaN
8 B07 0 1 NaN
9 PIXEL_QA 0 1 NaN
10 RADSAT_QA 0 1 NaN